How to Deflate a Basketball With 6 Quick Ways

How to Deflate a Basketball With 6 Quick Ways

You probably already know how to properly inflate a basketball before playing. However, there are times when you want to do the opposite – deflate the basketball. Do you know how to deflate a basketball? There are several processes to deflate a basketball. But in this article, we will show you the 3 simplest and easiest methods by which you can easily deflate it.

Why do you need to Deflate a Basketball?


The most common reason you need to deflate a basketball is that it is over-inflated. A ball with too much air will make basketball more difficult because it will bounce higher than expected making it difficult to control. Although dribbling may seem easier at first, then you are likely to lose control of the ball due to the high bounce. There is a high probability that the ball will bounce off the rim leading to many difficulties for players of all skills.

Overinflating can be caused by someone overinflating it or by the air temperature and altitude. If you initially pump it to the right outside pressure on a cold day, and then a few days later, it’s very warm outside, the pressure inside the balloon will build up and it could overflow. This can also happen with altitude. If I inflate the balloon in Indianapolis, Indiana where the altitude is about 715 feet and then take the balloon to Denver, Colorado (5280 feet altitude), the air pressure inside the balloon will increase and the balloon can be overly inflated.


In fact, an overstretched ball can lead to elbow injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome due to the excessive strain it puts on your wrists and arms as you try to offset your weight. So how do you know when a basketball is over-inflated? Hold the ball up to your neck and then drop it down. If the ball bounces up to your waist, it means that the air in it has been properly filled. If the basketball bounces back to the chest, it means your basketball was over-inflated; it needs to be deflated.

Store or transport

After playing, you want to deflate the basketball to store it. By flattening it we can reduce the size and it will take up less space in a drawer, suitcase or whatever you can put it in. Note that deflation can sometimes cause the leather or synthetic panels to separate and damage the ball.

When traveling

You may have to deflate a basketball while traveling or when transporting it. When you move from one city to another, you must deflate it to facilitate the transfer process and save space for other important items.

How to deflate a basketball? (Step-by-Step)

Using an Inflation Pin

This is probably the easiest, safest, and most appropriate way to deflate a basketball. When you buy a new basketball, it almost always comes with a slide pin. Make sure the pin is moistened before inserting it into the ball by dripping water or any lubricant. In this way, the needle can be easily inserted into the basketball and prevent the air valve from being damaged.

Locate the valve on your basketball then push the needle through the hole in the valve. Continue to rotate the inflation needle counterclockwise to loosen the ball and then withdraw the needle. Now check the air pressure of the basketball again by dropping it as we instructed above. If it’s still too high, you repeat all these steps until you get a good bounce.

Inflation Pin

Using a Paperclip

This is not the best way to deflate a basketball. Apply this method when you have no other options. First, straighten the paper clip like a needle then moisten it with water and slowly insert the clip into the valve. It is important to make sure the clamp is centered so that it does not puncture the inside of the ball. Feel the path of the clip and as the air goes out, determine the air pressure and slowly remove the paper clip.

Using a Paperclip

Using a Bobby Pin

To use the bobby pin to deflate a basketball, start by finding the needle-like cap covering the valve on the ball. Use a small screwdriver or another sharp tool to open the cover. Then straighten one of the edges of the bobby pin as much as possible. The still-curved edge will be very useful for your grip. Insert your straightened bobby pin into the hole where the needle-like cap is and gently poke around until you find the little rubber stopper that stops the air from escaping. Once you’ve located it, press down on it with your bobby pin until you feel all the air coming out of your basketball valve.

Using a Pen

If you want to deflate the basketball with the help of a pen, then this step-by-step guide will be of great help to you. Deflating a basketball with a pen seems difficult, but it helps you a lot when you have nothing but a pen. The pen is a common item, always available in the house. Take any pen then remove its cap. After removing its cap, you must take out its tube and then remove its tip. Make sure that there is no ink in its tube.

If ink remains, rinse the tube properly with warm water. After ensuring that the pen tube has been cleaned properly, measure the pen tube 1” to 2” from the bottom and cut it. Next place the pen tube into the air valve of the basketball. Make sure that the diameter of the hose is slightly smaller than the diameter of the air valve of the basketball. When you put the tube in the air valve, the air begins to come out of the basketball.

Using a Refrigerator 

Did you know you can deflate a basketball with a refrigerator? It’s not surprising, but it’s actually quite possible. Clean the outside of the ball with a damp cloth and place it in the refrigerator. Leave it there until the ball cools completely.

This process can take anywhere from an hour (if you have an industrial refrigerator) to a full 8-hour business day (if you have a mini-fridge). Then take the ball out and place it on the floor or some other horizontal surface. Use one hand to rotate the ball around the equator for about a minute, making sure to let the ball roll freely between your fingers. You can feel cold air coming out of the ball as you do this, which means your basketball is now properly deflated.

Air Pressure Gauge

If you want an accurate amount of pressure in the basketball, use an air pressure gauge to inflate or deflate it. This is a very simple and basic method by which you can easily deflate a basketball. First, moisten the needle or pump pin with water or any lubricant. Carefully insert the needle into the basketball’s air valve after moistening it. If you do not moisten the needle before inserting the basketball, it may damage the air valve.

After inserting the needle into the basketball, you must attach the air pressure gauge to the needle carefully. Press the air release valve on the side of the air pressure gauge to release the air and then carefully monitor the pressure on the gauge. When the basketball pressure is between 7.5 PSI and 8.5 PSI, you can remove the pressure gauge from the basketball. Now you have learned how to deflate a basketball, right?

Air Pressure Gauge

How to take care of basketball?

  • The first way to take care of a basketball is to not over-inflate it. Overinflating the ball will cause the ball to wear out faster and possibly even break. Use a pump or compressor when inflating the balloon. Using a balloon inflator will help ensure that the balloon is properly inflated and not over-inflated.
  • Keep the ball clean. Wiping the ball with a damp cloth after each use will keep the ball clean and free of dirt and debris.
  • Store properly. Keeping the ball in a cool, dry place will help keep it in good condition.
  • Limit or do not use rough surfaces. Playing on concrete or asphalt can damage the ball and cause the ball to wear out faster.
  • Usually use. Playing with the ball on a regular basis will help keep it in good shape and will also help you hone your playing skills.

how to deflate a basketball

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Possible To Completely Deflate A Basketball?

If you have a rubber ball, you can deflate it completely. But if you have a leather basketball and want to deflate it completely, it can separate the leather and synthetic plate of the basketball, which reduces the quality of the basketball. While you may not see it right away, it will destroy the basketball from the inside. So the advice given is to let off the steam slowly.

Why does basketball lose air?

The basketball can deflate if the ball is stored incorrectly. If you hold the balloon in a hot area, the air inside will expand and escape through the valve. If it’s too cold, the air inside can contract and escape. If the balloon is too inflated or too old, to begin with, it may deflate on its own. Some balls can stay in shape for 3 to 4 months, while others can last 5 to 6 months.

How to deflate a basketball? The need to deflate a basketball has become quite common when you want to travel and there is not enough room in your luggage for you to put an inflated basketball, or when you accidentally inflate it. Deflating a basketball is quite simple and not something you need to do often. Now that you know how to deflate a basketball in different ways, make sure to put what you’ve just learned into practice. And always remember to take care of the ball carefully to be able to use it for a long time.

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